August 08, 2011

To The Man I Said I Did and Still Do - 25 years

25 years ago, thousands of days ago, blue jeans with heels and t-shirts ago, streets ago, bars ago, a volvo and a pacer ago, books ago and records ago, beers and bottles ago, layers and layers ago, keys and strings ago, cigarettes and wings ago, snow and rain ago, sun and sea ago, mothers and fathers ago, so many friends ago, rings ago, locs ago, pounds ago, and prayers ago, trips and hips ago, malls and halls ago, jobs ago, miles ago, our baby ago and toddler ago, strollers and boppies ago, a girl now a young woman ago, hellos and goodbyes ago, homes ago, cities ago, dogs and cats ago, hamsters ago and fish ago, snow and sweat ago, billboards ago, so much music ago, stages ago, pages ago, blogs ago and bands ago, here ago, there ago, pains ago and joy ago, the truth ago and healing ago, love and smiles ago, thousands of days ago, just 25 years ago.

I love you, George.
Thank you for a lifetime of love,
a lovetime of laughter,
and a forever of remembering.

August 9, 1986 - 20011

Buy Low?

I'm just sayin'.