July 20, 2004

I want a new design!!

Halley's got a good looking new template goin' on.
The font, colors, and design are so clean and easy to read.
I come back to this blog after visiting Halley's and look at my own house and feel like I'm looking, well, at my own house. Shit.
And the strange thing is, with this new blogger interface enhancement circus, I'm changing typefaces and leading and I don't even know I'm doing it, and that's just no good. I need things to be a LITTLE bit hard. Make em too easy and I'll screw them up for sure.
I am still not smoking. I was very depressed today. Jenna went to gymnastics camp and I stayed in bed most of the day. Why? I kept not wanting to, but it felt so good, and bad, at the same time to hang on the edge of consciousness where I no longer noticed how distressingly unappealing life is. Or seems to be, because of course I want to live or I wouldn't be doing this in the first place!!! I just don't want to feel "like this."
There is an ambivilance that comes with not smoking, as if the meaning has been sucked out of my participation in life. How stupid. I know it's stupid--ironic anyhow--that in getting healthier I feel less like doing anything healthy.
Is this hormones? Is this no cigarettes?
Is this what happens when you take away somebody's death wish?
I don't know.
My two huge activities today consisted of taking Jenna to camp and picking her up.
I could have full well gone swimming afterward. I could have gone grocery shopping. Goodness knows we need food in the house. I could have gone to see my sister.
I came home. I feel comfortable not smoking in my home because I've not smoked in my home for a decade. Home is where I don't notice so much.
But out in the world, I really fret. How stupid that sounds. Trading nicotine addiction for agoraphobia.
I think that this week I'm going to have to pick a day where I MAKE myself do something outside the scope of work (which is at home on my laptop), outside the scope of household chores (again, happy happy home home), and outside of the bedroom (which is where I like to nap and nap and nap). I'm going to have to push myself out into the world and find some tiny speck of joy in participating in life sans stimulants.
Perhaps I should take up drinking? I've been thinking about it, and that's really not good.
Keeping you posted.