If you're going to live in the south, and if you think you and your fiance might one day start a family, then do not get married August 7-14 because if you DO one day have a kid, you will learn that back-to-school eve (preceeded by back-to-school supplies rush) will coincide with your anniversary every year, which means you really can't tear yourself away from your child to have a couples' reunion on your anniversary night. Fortunately we had a friend with kids babysit while we went out and engulfed a great Japanese dinner. Then home to reality, combing my Jenna's special hair and trying to transform it into the style she wants by bedtime, while wondering how I forgot to get the washable markers and what about her asthma forms for the clinic.
So, I'd go for July. Or September. Unless you live in the north. Then be careful of Labor Day.
Just a tip.