March 30, 2002

What I hate about blogging

Idiots who flame in comments without leaving their email.

Feeling like I have to blog when I don't feel like it.

That the blog takes time away from my family.

That blogging doesn't pay.

Daypop's same old "which one are you" contests that always clog up the Top 40.

When all of blogland turns grey.

When no one comments.

That I have to blog so often.

That I can't blog all the time.

That no good memes have gone around in a long time.

Not finding any great new bloggers to read.

That Shelley's quit and other good bloggers are giving up.

That our secret's out.

That it's a lot of work.

That it makes work seem more like work because work is not as fun.

When bloggers go on vacation.

Clicking on a link and finding that the blogger's the most recent post is three weeks old.

That the apps for blogging aren't evolving fast enough.

...and you?