- Halley the Horse after Halley Suitt
- Toby the Tree Frog after Toby Bloomberg
- Margaret the Monkey after Margaret Adam (via AKMA)
But this is the first Webkinz-as-Women-Bloggers List, folks. Sqeezem if you gottem.
Marshall's blog is broken. Well, it wouldn't let me leave a comment. Maybe I'm on a list. Anyway, here is what I tried to leave there. I reformatted it in hopes that I was merely being screened for too many links. Didn't work. But I always enjoy this exercise, no matter how many times we do it. Maybe someday we can do lists of bloggers who suck. Wait. That may already have been done. Anyway, here's what I tried to contribute at ReadWriteWeb...Now, the job is to embed them into the mainstream, not highlight them as prime catches of a separate species.
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http://allied.blogspot.com/ Jeneane Sessum (who showed me the way here),
Ronni Bennett,
Jessamyn West,
Betsy Devine,
Denise Howell,
Shelley Powers,
Leslie Winer,
Tamar Jacobson,
and http://theeverydaycafe.com/
Anne Zelenka.
There are nine names off the top of my head... people about whom I can't say enough. I'm sure there are another dozen I should highlight, and there are several women already listed who would be on my list if they hadn't been acknowledged already. Comparing the sheer numbers of people I respect and enjoy with the mere half a dozen or so who chafe my scrote, well... I'm coming out ahead.
When you think about his words, the real subtext becomes clear. The truth is, once he came to my site, the argument ceased to be about "prominence". He actually made a judgment about me as a person, and not my prominence. To say he couldn't "take me seriously", based purely on the color of my, excuse me, nature of my blog template is really a very different matter than discussing my visibility in the marketplace.Read More (and comments).