In working with the folks at
SezWho over the last several months, I've been on pins and needles waiting for the free service to be available for
Google's Blogger blogs.
Well w00t!! That day has arrived.
SezWho announced a bunch of
very cool news as part of it's
SezWho 2.0 launch, including support for Blogger blogs and Drupal blogs and discussion forums and phpBB bulletin boards,
and open APIs all around.
SezWhosers can not only
rate comments, but posts as well, and they can also remain anonymous or be authenticated by email or URL, which I think is TRES COOL, because in saying I AM COMMENTING AS JENEANE OF ALLIED, I'm building one part of my reputation, and maybe I want to build my reputation as a marketing renegade by engaging in some conversations based on my GonzoEngaged URL. AND sometimes
I just want to be me.
I'm not sure how it's all going to shake out as far as what blogs I'll use SezWho on first, but I am very excited at the prospects of trying it out on
Blog Sisters especially, because, as the
OLDEST women's group blog, that community needs some new life, some new ways to engage contributors that not only write on Blog Sisters, but have homes across the social web. I need something to encourage the ladies to come and play.
It's hard to beat the business model mantra of
BlogHer and other women's communities who have found ways to monetize and even pay their contributors for participation. But when money's not the main point, there are still rewards to be had in participating -- social rewards -- and the one I like the best is FUN. Blog Sisters remains an open forum, a place for women to write about
what.ever without worrying about how it might affect ad dollars or elite sensibilities. SO I think having a community-based reputation and discussion tool over there that we can use as a springboard for participating
elsewhere is just what's needed.
Bub.bliciou.us has more info on the news: "SezWho 2.0 closes the conversational loop, delivering value back to site hosts (in terms of page views and engagement) and to participants (in terms of reputation and expertise building). SezWho captures valuable information about the history and expertise of individual social media contributors, encourages more thoughtful commentary, and cultivates community engagement."
I really like what
Sarah Perez says on her blog and over at
RWW regarding fractured conversations and why we care. Her experience discussing the topic -- where, once again, the mighty many ended up depositing their thoughts and expertise directly into Scoble's blog comments with no thread to their larger participation across other social sites -- is an example of why services like SezWho are needed. Sarah points out that conversations belong to everyone. And while this is ideally the case, I think they CAN belong to everyone and STILL be connected and tied back to the contributor, but only through tools that enable cross-media, Intersite, distributed-but-connected conversations.
I'll keep you posted about how it goes and here it goes as I move from enthusiasm into action over on Blog Sisters soon.

p.s. Mixed with my excitement over SezWho is sadness and actual
panic over
Eric Case leaving Bloogle, being that Eric was my only bat phone connection to Google's Blogger, and if you don't have a bat phone connection, you are often SOL when it comes to Blogger. 1.) I'm scared. 2.) GOOD LUCK ERIC and thanks for everything.
Like, for putting up with me during the migration to the new servers. Even when I was a bitch. And when I gave your email to 10 of my closest Blogger friends. And when I yelled at you because I paid $180 for blogspot hosting in 2001 and doesn't that mean something. And when I tried to reach you on sabatical. And if you wouldn't mind giving me your home number that'd be
Seriously, Good luck Eric. Lets rock the conversatiola folks.