Gary and Fiona are in the home stretch. I'll be checking in all weekend. Gary, are you taking your laptop to the hospital? M-u-s-t- b-e- t-h-e-r-e w-i-t-h y-o-u t-w-o...
Meanwhile, Tom celebrates the birth of 100 newly-hatched Hawksbill turtles.
Tonight as Jenna and I wound our way down the street in the van, she followed the moon with her eyes the whole way.
She said, "Mama, I wish he would land in our back yard. I want to touch him. He looks so lonely up there."
I said, "Well, he has the stars to keep him company."
She asked, "But do they take care of him? Do they?"
There's nothing in the human experience that compares with the frayed nerves, fierce battles, infinite wonder, and enormous joy of childbirth. Except maybe the raising of those babies.
So says me.
We're cheering for you Gary!