December 07, 2005

You Be My Client, You Be Blogging

Obviously a lot of what I'm doing this week is getting my head and hands around my new friends at BubbleShare. Somehow I've managed to push (bully? convince? inspire?) both of my CEO blog clients into blogging. Matt Willer at ElimiTaste will have his blog up soon. And Albert Lai at BubbleShare has entered the blogworld in record time at Simply Albert, located on blogspot at least for now.

Both Albert and Matt are incredibly brilliant business men and inspiring leaders within their young, edgy companies. They know their industries, they know their markets, they know they want to be closer to their markets.

I have nothing to teach them in that regard.

What I can teach them is how to fall in love with blogging, and how to make meaning out of what we do here.

What a time to be alive. What a time to be a cat.

So, meet some of the folks at BubbleShare courtesy of Albert's blog and listen to Albert introduce the gang. (Click the little audio button to turn on the sound.)

Brought to you by Bio Protein Bars, our corporate sponsor (HAHA!)