May 24, 2003

He's Taking His Alter to the Altar!

DID you hear?

Finally RageBoy is making an honest man of Chris Locke, and it's about damn time. How long could these two go on, living in sin? Pretending. Splitting. Dissociating. Jeesh!

The time for integration is NOW!

As Billy Idol has been known to sing, ever so sweetly with his drug-induced-stroke-like grin, "It's a nice day for a borderline wedding."

We at the Sessum household couldn't be happier for these two lovebirds. Sure, they've fought over the years. A few bloddied noses. A gun shot wound here and there. But hey, what do you expect from such a passionate pair?

Be sure to check out the boyz gift registry on And give until it hurts.

Last one to the night vision scope is a rotten egg!