Star talent, senior talent, expendable talent. Ketchum should know that Weber has stolen a page from its playbook.
I know for Michael, the news is still sinking in. It BEYOND sucks. I feel nothing short of righteous indignation over this happening to a pro like Michael. This is an amazingly smart, intuitive, gifted business and PR guy. The problem is, those who fit this bill are not needed INSIDE of BIGAgencies right now. This is maintenance season for BigPR.
And me with my hunting license!
The loosely-joined global PR network gains another node.
Canada present and accounted for. (Okay, so Michael doesn't know I've drafted him yet.)
I have a new term for this whole phenomenon. It applies to both the letter go and the let go. It is directly related to business models that can thrive in this economy and lifestage of the Internet, and those that can't. I now call it, in honor of Michael, getting "Gonzoed.".
Any questions?