[[-->Not just White People of the U.S.]]
A powerful global conversation [[-->punctuated by hyperlinks, not business cards]] has begun. Through the Internet [[-->not one-off exclusionary institution-centered events]], people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter—-and getting smarter faster than most companies [[-->even popular media conglomerates, and that's good]].
..People of Earth
[[-->not just White People of the U.S.]]
The sky is open to the stars. Clouds roll over us night and day. Oceans rise and fall. Whatever you may have heard, this is our world, our place to be. Whatever you've been told, our flags fly free. Our heart goes on forever. People of Earth, remember.
[[-->no edits to the above paragraph.]]
with thanks to Cluetrain.
Remember, February is "Re-Read Cluetrain" Month!
Pick a buddy and read to one another!
Above: Doc reads Cluetrain to a class of third graders at his neighborhood elementary school