May 24, 2005

I need some dental insurance

at least on my kid. Damn--why didn't I keep my Ketchum dental cobra? I could have kept that. Relatively speaking it was CHEAP and WHAT was I thinking? Maybe figuring $20 a month for dental added on to $1400 a month for COBRA for health insurance (and no job at the time) would break the bank? What bank? I don't HAVE a bank that gives a hoot.

It was all an illusion anyway. So now I have a much crappier health plan for $800 a month, feel like that's a deal when I still have a $500 deductible and hefty co-pays for docs and prescriptions--read: a grand or so for my recent surgery. And I wish I would have grabbed the dental COBRA and the vsion COBRA, the cheapest of the Really Good Offerings, for the extra 18 months, which would now be ending, but still. Think how clean, crowned, and cavity free our teeth would be.

And Jenna chipped her front permanent tooth a couple of weeks ago. It's small. But every time I look at it I'm reminded that we don't have dental insurance.

And you can get on my ass about the hamsters and the $140 spent to get homes for the babies, and yah, there's her dental appointment, but they're her hamsters and she loves them and takes care of them and is learning more than a tiny chip of a tooth can tell her, so fucking come and be my financial planner if you're going to start that senior advisor crap.

For those of you SEPARATING from your places of employ, don't just check out the health insurance COBRA, check and see if you can COBRA your other benefits too--especially that ever-more-expensive dental, which can actually be more affordable than you think. If you have glasses or need them, check to see if you can COBRA your vision benefits, and don't forget disability.


Then adopt me and my family.

Thank you.