December 14, 2005

Albert Lai, The Man Behind (err... next to) the Bubble

The thing you've heard me talk about in terms of client work around here lately is the blog editing & strategy work I'm doing with BubbleShare. The thing you haven't heard me talk about is my 'boss' there, the man behind the bubble (or next to it as the case may be), Albert Lai. That's because Albert keeps everyone so busy with 110 ideas per hour that I don't have the time to actually tell you about him, which is why I make him blog. To find out more, check out this interview Albert did with One Degree, where Albert talks about Canada, BubbleShare, Skype, marketing, and lessons learned.

One of my favorite parts is where Ken Shafer says, "BubbleShare rocks. Really. It rocks." But that's just me. ;-)