mall walking.
ftw? yes, mall walking. Who knew that an entire counter culture existed within your suburban mall from before 8 a.m. until the "real" shoppers arrive at 10:00? I know!
Here's how it happened:
felt like death
decided to try one more time for life
started walking
decided to walk a 5K in the fall
got cold in Atlanta
looked for inside, closeby place to walk
went to mall
found 50 other people walking there
askd how long a lap around was
started walking
still walking.
That's pretty much it.
I passed my first elder mall walker today. I have been left in the dust by ladies who have to be approaching 100 and men with walkers. But not today; today was a mighy day. I passed one of them.
I'm comin' for them and they know it.
just wait.