August 12, 2004

Once a Year, Whether I Need It Or Not...

Every year, around the same time, I make a concerted effort to piss off my clients. Not as far as work goes--oh no, they all love me for that. "Your valuable contribution" they call it. Instead, I tell them what I think of their businesss, what they've done wrong, and I rail at them for slowing down on processing my invoices.

Sometimes I reall like my clients.

Except for once a year when I hate them all at once.

This is that time. I am sticking out my tongue at all of them. I'm doing a very good job at fulfilling this important strategy within my most unusual business model.

Some of them won't want to work with me again. But they all will. And then they'll love me again until next year at this time. At which time I get to piss them off once again. And we make like John Kerry and Theresa Heinz retreating to separate hotel rooms.

I like to think of this as a win-win.