Here's the difference. Since Matt's site is an Internet news site, he and/or his fledgling journarazzi were most likely thinking, "Score! Check out this follow-up in the AJC about the superbomb--quick get the fucking link up." Or something similar. I'm only guessing.
Meanwhile, over here in blogdad, I was thinking about Tom (not in the panhandle, but close enough for jazz), George's mom, brother, niece and nephews, our accountant, Clarence Bell (in the panhandle), and, basically, ***human beings*** that might be in the vacinity of the boom.
Well, heck, we ain't that far away from it ourselves.
Then I was thinking of Bagdad, not so far away from Blogdad, and all the parallel people who try to work and live there.
Not really there, here:
Those folks who are actually are in the precise vicinity, better known as the target, for this superbomb. And I find myself wondering, what the hell you do to prepare for 30,000 pounds of high-power explosives?
Duct tape?
I think not.