I have no recollection of talking to the writer, but that's okay. I would have said pretty much what I said, cept for the omitted "how" in this quote: "My fascination with blogging lies in [[HOW]] my voice informs someone else's voice," notes Sessum. [[And I would have added, and how my own voice is informed by them.]]
Elaine, Shelley and I get a mention in Women's E-News in a story called Women Go Blogging.
I apparently sometime said the following, which I vaguely remember saying, though don't remember when or to whom:
"Blogs make it really easy to express yourself," says Sessum, a public relations writer. "It's an amazing tool to help you figure out who you are, what you care about and to connect with other human beings. Plus, it's a place for me to exercise my voice. I've been so busy writing for clients that I've never kept up with my personal writing. Blogging has really helped me refine my voice."
Sounds about right.