It occurred to me the other day when the strap broke on my book bag, in which rested my precious Acer laptop, which in turn tumbled down the stairs to my "O" shaped mouth and audible gasp, that what I need is a neoprene laptop sleeve to slide this puppy into when I go go go someplace. I don't want any more of those bulky big leather cases with room for the kitchen sink and an economy-sized rental car. I want to be able to put my laptop in whatever I want to put it in and have it at least somewhat cushioned. Do they make neoprene sleeves for laptops? Protective sheathes? Notebook condoms? I'm taking my Acer to sxsw in a backpack. Usually I wrap a t-shirt around it and pretend everything will be fine. That's really dumb. I'd rather dress it up right and safe.
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