LESLIE - whoo! bike riding with big dog, the gate came down and there are six dogs standing there. so they ducked into the cemetery to protect themesleves until the farmer came home. so there was a dead family in the cemetary named rackelboom -- 20 of them. From like 18 something til present day. Near Paris. Live in the presbeter where the priests used to live.
This is where they used to bury the people--and the dog will dig up a femur once in a while.... OMG.
OH MY FUCKING GOD! LOOK! we're talking TORSOS, not fingers!!
And Peter Dawson just joined. And so did Nick Nichols from Philippines.
The dog ate a poison rat in the field last week. She had weird convulsions and went to the vet and she was fine the next day. She tried to go and hide.
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