Who needs a press release when you can write a headline like that? Yojo Mobile's MizPee has its "Flush of the Year" contest underway in Portand right now. Oregonians are encouraged to add their favorite (aka - cleanest, best equipped, safest, rockinest) restroom here. Want to let your readers vote? Read about the contest and grab the Portland voting widget here.
And yes, as certain as I am that gas will reach $5.00 a gallon by Labor Day, you can rest assured that Flush of the Year will be coming to your town soon.
(Um, btw you don't have to wait for the contest to add your favorite place to piss. You can add a toilet anytime online. And when you're on the go, go to mizpee.com on your cell phone to find the nearest clean restroom OPEN at the time of your query (kuz mizpee does location- and time-based search). Yeah, it's pretty cool.)