April 01, 2003


Laptop on its way from Boulder to the ATL. The relief I feel is palpable. This must be worth a good round of bronchitis, feeling my defenses fall, any number of bugs from today's pediatrician visit at the ready.

Something about going into work tomorrow to hand back my baby--and yes, I have to--then to walk away knowing I didn't have a computer to start this new venture of mine with had me feeling that familiar defeated-before-I-start thing. Something about Dell's non-response put me in "my place." But now I can walk awa feeling pretty darn good. Someone I met through my writing a year ago thinks I just might make a go of it and is willing to put his laptop where his mouth is. That's pretty fucking cool, to say the least. And he's not just any someone. He's for real. But then, most of you know that. Suffice it to say, it's more than any corporation has bet on me. Ever.

So we'll see. In the mean time, the ethernet card he added before shipping it off will hopefully work fine with my DSL, and if all goes accordingly, I'll catch you all on my new puter later.

Best news of all, Jenna's doctor's appointment went very well. No strep, no mono. Bloodwork good. The doc thinks that the winter's two rounds of strep and constant virus lashings took it's toll on her, but that she's coming round. Thankful is what I am.

What an amazing day. I hardly know what to do with it. So I think I better go to bed before anything bad can happen. Three hours to go before tomorrow. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

Through all of these last few days, I've managed to continue *not* writing about the war, which is a good thing I think. There are many who do it better and more passionately, from both pro and anti sides, than I can. It's not that I don't care, it's that it's too big. It's like watching a re-run of a re-run of a re-run and you know the ending five times over, and yet you can't change it. It's somehow outside of real time. You have no power to stick your hand in there and modify what's written, what's spoken, who lives, or who dies. Powerlessness.

So, I leave it to the experts and those people who truly believe their invovement matters in the course of these global events. I am glad they do. I wish I did.

If someone asks me how I would stop the conflict or how I would win the war, I would have the same answer: Coliseum War. That's right. Take the professionals--the leaders of the countries involved and the highly-skilled fighters within their ranks, put them in a coliseum, and let them fight it out to the end. Maybe it's like the World Series and they have a battle or two in each home country's venue. But contain it. Keep it out of the streets. Keep it out of the houses. Away from the children. Let leaders lead the charge. Let fighters fight. Webcast it or do pay-per-view. However you like.

That's about the only idea I have.

It's morning now and I forgot to post this.

Thank you all, and especially love to Monica for yet another rough time life has tossed her way. She's still standin'. Hang in, you.