Funny thing happened on the way to my aggregator. Sometimes I'm clicking down the couple dozen feeds I subscribe to on the left hand sidbar in Bloglines, going through one bolded link after the other to see who's written what. And in my list of subscriptions Doc Searls comes right before Halley Suitt.
So yesterday I clicked on Doc and I was tired because I haven't felt that great, what with that hamster-cage-urine-smell going straight to my head (see below). Anyway, I started to read about how much Doc liked The 40-Year-Old Virgin, and how women's slips are hot and how he's been into slips for a long time, and I'm like--DOC?!--and then I realized to my amazement, since all feeds look alike in the Bloglines wndow, that I had clicked Halley's bold link, not Doc's.
I don't have a name for that phenomenon but it was unsettling.
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