I love it too--the call for amateurs emerges from the recent trend of weblog professionalization..
Krugle's launching without a PR firm, with some strange dude named clocke with wild-side ideas at the blog steering wheel; BubbleShare just out of stealth mode ended up hosting a cool "Unconference" at CES, which started by helping folks with no place to stay due to the hotel situation hookup via the CES wiki (ask Albert how all that went down - a case study in bottom up private relations).
Suddenly it's not cool to have a BigPR firm launching you with screwy staged events and junior media relations folks pitching the press release. Instead Techcrunch notices that a cool product is catching on, people start talking about it, and the next thing you know Chris Pirillo is running around in public with your company t-shirt.
Someone once said:
Where once Big PR boasted about best practices and a global network of communications professionals, they don't have that anymore. Instead, we are the ones creating nimble networks among one another, which are growing larger and more valuable. We are nimble enough (most of us working out of our homes) and lean enough to charge much less and deliver much more. A network of one-off specialists, experts in their areas, linked through the power of the Web and personal contacts. Voice to voice, we are changing the face of PR and marketing. You heard it here first.
Call me prophetic. ;-)
I'm not going to tell you the secret so that you can crash this party all of my friends still in BigPR. Okay. Alright I'll tell you.
You have to love being here.
And you have to know what I mean by that.
BONUS: Scoble's Birthday's coming up.