June 21, 2006

ovary, assult and battery

i'm thinking of the genesis song. never mind. so the doc things it's a cyst on the old ovary, which i've had lots of times, but not so painful. next week an ultrasound and we'll see if he's right-o. got darvocet. if i were a drug manufacturer, every drug i made would be the same color, and that color would resembe the pink of darvocet. mmmmmmmmmmm.

i'm slammed with work. i need a trustworthy virtual intern. except i'm so swamped i think i might sound like this:

Hi intern!

Hi Jeneane!


Hello--is there something I can do now? can you tell me stuff? something I can help out on?

Hi! Will you sit next to me virtual intern?

Well, okay i guess.

Hi! I just want to know you are there. That's all.

Oh, okay, well do you want to talk about youtube now? Myspace? Blogs? PR? Marketing? Social Marketing? What?

Hi! Look at you!

And what kind of thing is that to do to an impressionable, enthusiastic young person who has yet to experience cosmic burnout, cescarian sections, emergency myomectomies, OR ovarian cysts?

So you see, I'm just not ready.

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