Mr. Uncle RageBoy pointed out to me by teleprompter - err phone - today that this 2008 election is the first YouTube election. He googled it while I drove to be sure, and sure enough, no YouTube til 2005, which means the last time (the last last time) George W. stole the election, the non-revolution was not youtubeized.
Thank you Jesus - we just might have our ace in the hole after all. I keep saying: One YouTube video of Palin speaking in tongues, and Bob, as they say, 's your uncle.
In the mean time, I look 3 times a day to see if the OTHER sarah, Sara Benincasa and her crafty sidekick Diana Saez, have updated their most HYSTERICAL portrayal of the up and coming Sarah Palin.
rotflmao, it's about the only thing that cheers me up on newsday, which lately is every day.