December 01, 2005

Cut. It. Out.

Skype. Oh man! hello, is the 21st century home? Well of course I've heard about it, but I'm getting set up and I'm pretty much (you know me) thinking this is the best thing since orkut. (hee hee--had to be there w/ me kinda). Anyway, I'm all googleyeyed over skype now, and I need to know something for folks who have been using headphones and mics with their computers for the last three decades: what kind of headset really rocks? I mean, for comfort, sound, easy speaking while typing very fast, fast as I can go?

1) I don't like wrap around headsets (i know that bec/ i got some crap at office depot tonight and am taking it back.

2) I do like snug ear muffins (as jenna calls headphones)

3) I think I want a built in mic because sometimes (mostly) I lay down when I have to think and write simultaneously. (try to avoid it, but some days there's just no use.)

4) It has to be durable--I'm going to be ripping this thing off and on about 3939 times a day.

So I guess I'm looking for the three Cs of headsets: Comfort, Clarity, and Cuality.
