October 02, 2007

what's in an icon?

Donna Bogatin has an interesting point in her post on LinkedIn v Facebook in terms of women. She notices that the icon 'mascot' on LinkedIn is most decidedly male -- suit, tie and executive haircut -- (and I'd note predictably non-ethnic) even on the sections of female members.

Donna's right--it is a little thing--but what it reflects is not so little, especially in the week when the techmeme leaderboard reminds us all that the road to the top is littered with reciprocal-linked male voices.

Despite Dave Winer's positioning me as a feminist zealot, I don't self-identify as a feminist. Maybe it's my own ignorance, but I don't understand feminism quite. I'm pro-people, pro-men and pro-women, and I'm pro elevating the voices that are generally overlooked because those are where the answers are. If the answers to the pressing questions of our day were inside the heads of those we hear blather on ad infinitum, then problems would already be solved.

Anyway, that little linked-in guy leaves a lot to be desired.

And why do we need him at all?
