Well just when you're feeling blue, a package comes in the mail from some-net-someone to cheer you up. In this case, it was from Srini at stickernation who saw that I had posted about him way back when and asked if I'd like a few stickers on the house. HOUSE being a now-more-sacred-than-ever thing for me-of-the-newly-become-consultant variety of worker, I said, "Hell, Yah."
George and I talked about what the heck sessum.com is. we never decided. but we came up with a clever little moniker that describes the music and word parts of "us," thus, Rhythm and Rhyme.
Srini's stickers are cool. Not big and over obvious like regular bumper stickers. More like hard-copy blog stickers with sticky backs, you know, for actually sticking to things. My camera didn't capture the best shot--they are that glossy kind of black on white that grabs your eye. But with the glare of overcast sun on my deck, I think you can see some trees in the reflection.
Anyhow, thanks Srini for making my day. We're off to stick em!