So my last day at work is 4/1. That's five years *to the day* that I started with the company. Five years is a long time. I carried some stuff out today, with one faithful soldier by my side, helping me with the wheeley cart. I hadn't unpacked from the most recent office move, so packing wasn't a huge deal. Seeing the faces left behind was a pretty big deal, but I'd been working with them virtually for so long that it wasn't as sad as I expected it to be.
I come home, yahoo IM launches, and there they are. Their little smiley face icons are what I see them as every day; that and their telephone voices and emails--life as a teleworker kind of warps you that way. So I guess I feel like I haven't lost anything. Unless you count health insurance, life insurance, vision, dental, paid vacation, two-years left til sabbatical, my laptop (soon), and a prestigious big-agency brand to attach myself to.
oh dear.
That's a downer.
After all, I've been building a brand here since 2001. It's not glamorous; it doesn't have a detailed methodology or fancy stones in the lobby. It doesn't have a color printer. But other than that, not too much is missing. Well an Intranet. Or is that what we're building as we weave ideas, inventions, and work here among one another? (you know I think so.)
Time will tell. In the in-between, check out my online portfolio and testimonials up there on the right if you need my most esteemed creative assistance or regular ol' verbiage.
Pass it on.
We aim to please.