December 21, 2005

My New Years' Resolution to Become an Open Soar

I'm going to start a practitioner blog, practition seven days a week, go to the proctologist once a month, and practice what I preach thrice daily, so I can make the list next year as a practitioner.

Was glad to see the Cluetrain guys getting the nod or lifetime achievement award or whatever appropriate golden trophy they deserve. How about a virtual mount rushmore? mount cluetrain?

Today I'd also like to announce the Jeneane Sessum Top 3 Open Media Relations Client List:

At ElimiTaste Gum, Matt Willer has a new blog up, aptly named (yah, think about that name). Please welcome Matt to the blogosphere and add him to your blogrolls, unless you are of a web 2.0-ey mind that blogrolls are web 1.0, which they aren't.

But I digress. Matt's the CEO of a GREAT company that makes a sinus-clearing gum called Zapp (buy it online!) and a smokers-breath soution (ask RB) called SmokeScreen. I've labeled their category Indie Gum because they are to the BigGum industry what independent artists are to the Musick industry.

In 06 we will embark on a campaign in which we call ElimiTaste the Open Gum pioneer so they can make a top-x list and as a bonus hit the radar of any online dentist who might recommend the sugar-free gum to their patients who chew gum for healthy gums.

Of course, the FINE FINE folks at BubbleShare have been blogging for a while now on the BS site, and their CEO, brainiac Albert Lai is blogging over at Simply Albert. Let's give Albert a round of applause and another bio protein bar!

Doc gave BS a try today, but I have an email into him explaining that BS does not require Flash 8 except for batch uploading -- mostly BS relies on Ajax, including the cool new zoom slider. I guess I'd also add that I work with BubbleShare as a consultant. Slim difference, but not so slim for my other clients...

...One of whom is an older-school industry giant who's out there blogging, slowly, but we're not quite ready to talk about that yet...

So I've been busy around here too, with lists of my own as you can see.

And now, for a spur of the moment poem...

seven at seventeen
wonder when they'll come
the one who touches me
and there,
and the one
whose touch died
when butterfly wings were still magic,
the crunch of sneaker soles on straw
and sweet scent of manure
escaping time
raced ahead of me
greets me now
at 43 on the road
resting an elbow on the driver-side door
speedometer reads 73
the highway open,
near any farm
any pasture
and any warm wind.

There is no other me.
